Also, if you update your video card drivers and settings, nothing changes. There's one other method which springs to mind, which is that this could possibly be done by writing some custom surface shaders which allow you to blend to black & white. Problem description: Windows 10 is black and white While working on your Windows 10 PC, did the screen switch from color to black and white or grayscale, like in the screenshot below You have no idea what caused this, and restarting Windows 10 does not fix the problem. Software issue is the major problem to cause white screen on Android phone, and this section will help you solve how to fix white screen on cell phone due to software issue with 3 excellent solutions. Otherwise you'll have to just actually use all black & white texures & lights in your scene. 2.1 How to Fix White Screen on Cell Phone Due to Software Issue. Use as a light source for zoom calls or to test monitor, to copy drawings, to make a flipbook, to focus yourself.
Yup, if you want to do this as an image effect, you need pro. Online tool to show white fullscreen page.